Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tantalizing Temptations

Today is the end of my first week of the 30 Day Challenge!!  My only cheat was a bit of raw honey in the chocolate orange custard I made for Valentine's dinner last night.  Truly.  Amazing.  And I am not just talking about the dessert!  It is amazing that I haven't had any wine, sugar, brown rice, black beans, quinoa and the likes since that is what I have been subsisting on for the past 10 years!  Patting myself on the back.

Today was one of the most challenging days.  I got together with 7 girlfriends for a potluck to talk about a wine fest weekend we have coming up (yes, this will be a full on cheat weekend).  There was a lot of great food, everyone brought wine and even chocolate brownies.  Skip the brownies?  Sure, no problem.  Skip the wine?  Oh hell, I wanted that wine so bad I could nearly taste it!  I must have will power of steel to have resisted that wine!

At the end of week one on the full challenge but actually on day 15 eating this way, I am down 9 lbs.  N I N E lbs!!  Wow!  I realize that my body was initially in shock and a lot of this is water weight but I will take it!

I made a great crock pot recipe that I will post tomorrow.

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